Pharmacy Furniture
We create custom-made pharmacy furniture to meet all your needs!
Pharmacy furniture design
Whether it’s gondolas, shelving, counters, countertops, desks or add-ons, at Medd we produce technical furniture and all types of furniture to suit your needs. Based on your brand’s visual identity and the most demanding design criteria, our design team creates 2D and 3D models to ensure that each piece of pharmacy furniture fulfils its exact function.
Specialised solutions for pharmacies
Our line of technical furniture for pharmacies and the healthcare sector is entirely designed to meet your specific needs. We work closely with healthcare professionals to ensure the performance and durability of our designs. Whether it’s a highly specialised ‘one-off’ design or a simple bespoke solution, every piece of pharmacy furniture designed by MEDD has the same quality of construction and adaptability to the space being furnished.
Reliable and fast production
Medd brings a wide range of pharmacy and technical furniture to life through a reliable and fast production process. From the most classic models to new design trends, we guarantee the excellent performance of all our pharmacy furniture. Our extensive production line, which includes storage, transport and assembly services, guarantees an efficient service.
Pharmacy furniture for the future
While design trends continue to evolve, one thing is certain: the desire for a stylish interior remains the same. For service and care providers, opting for custom-made pharmacy furniture is more than just an aesthetic choice. Rather, it is an investment in the future, with sustainable and viable solutions that adapt to the constant demands of today’s working environment.
Contact us for further information
Relying on a team of experienced and skilled professionals to carry out your pharmacy renovation project is the easiest way to ensure its success. Choose a multidisciplinary team with proven experience in developing pharmacy renovation projects. Trust the Medd experts to ensure the success of your venture. Count on us and ask us all your questions!